
Still Using Tape for Offsite Backup?

As more organizations migrate from tape to disk as their primary onsite backup media, a growing number of them are turning to disk for their offsite retention as well. Not any disk solution will do, of course. What’s needed are speed and reliability for both backup and restore processes.

ExaGrid, for example, provides features that make its solution a compelling choice for offsite disk backups…

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Effective Security through Context-Aware Analytics

In light of recent, well-publicized hack attacks on Fortune 500 companies and Federal government agencies, implementing effective security to protect data and networks is now a top concern among organizations of all types.

What’s not working is the usual practice of denying access and placing barriers between users and resources, which often forces employees to find workarounds to get their jobs done – a situation that can result in greater risk exposure.

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Collaboration Tools Determine Business Success

In a pair of recent global studies, Frost & Sullivan found that access to collaboration tools is a major driver of company performance.

With the pace of change accelerating in the workplace, the need for collaboration technologies has never been greater. The workforce is becoming more dispersed with more than half of all employees working outside of a traditional corporate office. Continue reading

“Internet of Things” Poses Security Risks

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data over the Internet.

There’s no ignoring IoT… The market is predicted to reach $1.7 trillion by 2020. The big issue: the mass adoption of IoT may be coming at the expense of thorough security safeguards. Continue reading