
U.S. Senate Bill Addresses Critical IoT Security Gaps

IoT devices are not only being increasingly used to provide critical functionality for people and infrastructure, they are also being used by criminals in major cyberattacks.

Congress is finally taking notice of the growing problem… Virginia’s Democratic Senator Mark Warner and Colorado’s Republican Senator Cory Gardner have introduced a new bill titled, “The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017”. Continue reading

New Precedent for Data Breach Class Action Suits

In a decision that could set a precedent for other data breach cases, the U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit ruled in August that a class action lawsuit filed against health insurer CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield can be resuscitated. This action overturns a lower court’s decision last year to dismiss the case resulting from a 2014 cyber attack that impacted the personal data of over one million individuals.

The court held that the theft of personally identifiable information, if true, creates enough of a risk of identity theft that could be traced back to CareFirst’s negligence in not securing its data.

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Scammers Targeting Employees via Text Messages

In addition to circumventing your company’s spam filters, Internet bad guys are targeting your employees directly through their smartphones with “smishing” attacks that are hard to stop.

The scam starts with a text message that convinces the employee to send an email to the scammers. Once contact is established, the victim gets caught up in the scam. Continue reading

Network Upgrades Top Priority When Adopting Cloud

As organizations race to adopt cloud technologies there is concern that they are not taking a methodical approach to updating their network infrastructures.

In an insightful article appearing in TechTarget, Amy Larsen DeCarlo writes about the rapid growth in hybrid clouds, where workloads are moved between and among multiple clouds, including on-premises facilities. Continue reading

Keep an Eye on Your Business with Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance technology costs have dropped to the point where even the smallest businesses can afford to implement premises security to safeguard their people and property.

The latest systems can be integrated into any existing wired or wireless business network.  Easy-to-use administration tools allow cameras to be easily viewed and managed from any PC, tablet, or smartphone. Continue reading

Malware Attack Leverages Stolen Admin Credentials

Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) has become aware of an emerging campaign, occurring since at least May 2016, that uses multiple malware implants to compromise IT systems and access data. Among the victims of this attack are organizations in the Information Technology, Energy, Healthcare, Communications, and Manufacturing sectors.
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