Author Archives: Mylon Staton

Hard to Find Better Broadband and Telecom Deals?

If so, you could be missing out…

  • You might save money on the bill, but sacrifice performance
  • You might lock yourself into a contract without knowing there’s a better deal
  • You might discover that the support you expected falls short
  • The data plan with “unlimited usage,” actually has a cap in the fine print
  • You might pay for bandwidth or service you don’t need

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Is Your Network Exposed to Emerging Threats?

The recent news of a massive data breach at the Office of Personnel Management ─ putting the personal information of 4+ million current and former federal employees at risk ─ elicited a wave of outrage in Washington, DC.

This is the latest hacking incident against government agencies, resulting in millions of Americans having their personal information stolen. Such incidents should serve as a reminder for businesses to take action and conduct periodic security audits.

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Beef up Security with Desktop Virtualization

Among the benefits of virtualized desktops is simpler management, dynamic resource provisioning, improved disaster recovery, and cost savings from reduced hardware and power requirements. Not to be overlooked is virtualization’s role in offering businesses a better way to secure information and manage risk than traditional security models…

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Federal Agency Gets Technology Makeover

An independent federal regulatory Agency headquartered in Washington DC found its productivity hampered by outdated tools and infrastructure. Operating systems and applications needed to be upgraded. Hardware that had surpassed its life expectancy needed to be dealt with, and data had to be protected. Recognizing the range of technology issues that needed attention, the call went out to DataLink.

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