After CrowdStrike, Harden Your Cyber Defenses Now

In the wake of recent CrowdStrike disruptions, businesses must reassess their backup and security strategies to protect sensitive data and maintain operations.

DataLink is committed to helping you navigate these challenges. Here are some essential steps to bolster the IT tools you depend on and strengthen your cybersecurity defenses:

  • Evaluate Your Security Posture – Assess to confirm you’re maintaining compliance with industry standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS. Regular security audits and certifications can help you identify vulnerabilities and ensure that your security framework remains robust.
  • Emphasize Layered Security – A single line of defense is no longer sufficient in today’s complex threat landscape. This means deploying multiple security measures, including firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint protection. By creating multiple barriers, you enhance your ability to detect and mitigate threats before they cause significant damage.
  • Conduct Tabletop Exercises – Preparation is the best defense against cyber threats. Regularly conducting tabletop exercises can help your team simulate potential cybersecurity incidents. These exercises allow you to test your incident response plans, identify weaknesses, and ensure that your team can respond efficiently to real-world threats.
  • Review and Update Incident Response Plans – Regularly reviewing and updating your incident response plans is crucial. Ensure that your plans include clear strategies for detecting, containing, and recovering from breaches. An up-to-date incident response plan can significantly reduce the impact of a cybersecurity incident.
  • Consider Managed Security Services – Managed services offer continuous threat monitoring and response, combining technology with human expertise. These services provide around-the-clock security, helping to close the cybersecurity skills gap and ensuring that threats are detected and addressed promptly.

By implementing these recommendations, you’ll enhance your cybersecurity defenses and be better prepared to fend off future attacks.

Your DataLink team is here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need help, please reach out. 

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