Too Many IT Vendors Bogging You Down?

Dealing with vendors entails more than just negotiating low prices. Done right, it allows vendors and service providers to better understand your needs so projects can be completed with the right solutions, on time and within budget. If you’re spending too much time with vendors, however, your business can suffer…

  • Slows essential fixes when you and a vendor don’t speak the same language
  • Prevents staff from assisting customers when downtime is prolonged
  • Hinders decision-making, which could impact sales and market response
  • Disrupts the supply chain when IT problems go unresolved
  • Erodes confidence among customers, suppliers, partners, investors

Benefits of Outsourcing Vendor Management

  • Enables efficient trouble reporting through a single point of contact
  • Resolves technical issues faster and more accurately when the right level of expertise is engaged on your behalf
  • Restores staff functions and business processes to normal operations quicker
  • Saves on IT expenses when problems are resolved the right way, the first time
  • Frees up your in-house resources to concentrate on bigger, more strategic objectives

How DataLink can help…

  • Leverage well-established vendor relationships to secure prompt response to trouble calls
  • Spell out the issues faster to get your systems and networks back to proper operation with minimal delay
  • Manage escalations, track progress, and report status changes to you
  • Monitor vendor performance for input into future purchases and support contracts
  • Maintain open communication to avoid misunderstandings and proactively address issues before they become bigger problems

If dealing with vendors is taking up too much of your time, DataLink is ready to make your life easier. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or