Bolster Your Defenses Now Against Cyberattacks

Playing defense to ward off cyberattacks means you have to be equipped to play a long game. Here are some practical actions to protect your organization:

  • Mandate the use of multi-factor authentication to make it harder for attackers to get into your systems.
  • Deploy modern security tools on your computers and devices to continuously look for and mitigate threats.
  • Check with DataLink to make sure that your systems are patched and protected against all known vulnerabilities.
  • Change passwords across your networks so that previously stolen credentials are useless to malicious actors.
  • Back up your data and ensure you have offline backups beyond the reach of malicious actors.
  • Run exercises and drill your emergency plans so that you are prepared to respond quickly to minimize the impact of any attack.
  • Encrypt your data so it cannot be used if it is stolen.
  • Educate your employees about common tactics that attackers use over email or through websites, and encourage them to report if their computers or phones start to experience crashes or operate very slowly.

Need help safeguarding your business? 

Contact us today.
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