When it comes to information technology, Procurement and Bid Planning are important functions that help ensure the achievement of organizational goals. Both are critical to enhancing the value of IT, improving productivity, delivering customer support, and moving your business forward.
Overlook any critical element, and you can end up with more problems…
- Not providing enough clarity in a competitive Request for Proposal could force you into wasting time comparing apples to oranges
- Not knowing service provider track records could result in a low price, but poor network or service performance
- Not allowing enough time for service provisioning or equipment delivery could leave your new location disconnected from customers
- Not planning far enough ahead could cause unanticipated delays or expensive expedites in order to finish your project on schedule
When done right, the benefits of Procurement and Bid Planning are compelling…
- Improved savings through innovative price reductions and/or quantity discounts
- Speedier negotiations and contract execution
- Reduced miscommunication and disputes with suppliers and service providers
- Less chance of unexpected cost overruns
- Better outcomes, faster paybacks, and improved ROI
What DataLink can do for you…
- Provide guidance on bids to fit your IT roadmap
- Prepare realistic budgets for each phase of your project
- Offer impartial advice on the latest equipment and IT services
- Leverage high-level supplier relationships to help you secure the best pricing
- Provide compliance services to ensure effective proof of purchase, administration and management of your software environment
- Assist with deployment and ongoing support
When you need extra support getting bids together for an IT project, our team is ready to help. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or sales@DataLinkTech.com.