Covid-19 Scams Warning and Remote Workforce

First and foremost, we’re ready to respond when you need our help during these unsettled times. Our team is connected at the office and at home, so whenever you need us, we’ll be there.

Safeguard Your Business and Families from Covid-19 Scams…

The bad guys never let up – especially in a crisis. Phishing attacks and scams can happen at home or work.

  • Remind your employees to exercise caution as they access their email, texts, and incoming calls.
  • Don’t click on links or attachments from sources they don’t know.
  • Avoid emails claiming to be from experts with information about the virus or offers for vaccines and treatments.
  • Stick to legitimate government websites for up-to-date Covid-19 information.

Share these Covid-19 fraud schemes to keep your team better informed: FBI Public Service Announcement

Connecting your Remote Workforce…

As the crisis continues, DataLink experts can help with setting up and supporting technology that supports your employees working at home.

  • Remote Access services like high-speed broadband and VPN
  • Video, Web and Audio Conference solutions that enable Team Meetings
  • Cyber Security that protects your Business Data and IT infrastructure
  • Surveillance and Access Control solutions that safeguard your business while you’re away

Need assistance with your business technology?

Our highly trained and certified specialists provide end-to-end deployment, integration and support.

Contact us today.
(410) 729-0440 |Email