Worried about Cyber Security? Malware… Ransomware… Theft of Information?
If protection against ransomware is not high on your priority list as the new school year begins, it should be. School districts are now a favorite target of ransomware attacks that hold computer systems hostage until ransoms are paid in Bitcoin for a promised key that will decrypt locked files.
In the rush to catch up on email accumulated during the summer break, some school administrators and teachers may unknowingly click on a bad link that opens the door to ransomware. Not only are the files on that computer rendered useless through encryption but also the files on all connected devices on the network.
Cyber-attacks against schools are on the rise, especially in districts where IT resources are limited. School districts in Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia, Texas, New York and Oklahoma are among those recently hit with ransomware attacks.
The amounts demanded run well into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Insurance may cover most of it, but the deductible on such policies often runs into tens of thousands of dollars. Failure to pay the ransom could result in recovery costs that run into the millions of dollars.
Ransomware attacks are exploding and costing businesses, municipalities and schools billions. Experts note that these attacks are happening everywhere with increasing frequency and severity. And it’s not only schools that are soft targets for criminals, it’s small businesses as well. Like many schools, small businesses often do not have the necessary resources devoted to their cyber security or the expertise to implement available solutions.
Are your IT defenses strong enough to prevent your critical systems from being held hostage and data from being lost?
Contact us today.
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