Your small business is one of many millions worldwide, which may lead you to believe it is well hidden from cyber criminals. Maybe you even think your network and systems have never been hacked because you’ve been successful in keeping a low profile. But letting your guard down like this can be dangerous.
Cyber criminals target small businesses precisely because they are more likely to have a casual approach to security than larger businesses. This makes small businesses easy prey for hackers bent on leveraging, monetizing and even destroying your IT infrastructure. Here are some of the ramifications of lax security that may be in store for you…
Resource Theft – Cyber criminals have become very adept at stealing the resources of others to make money for themselves. One of the most lucrative is crypto currency mining, which is a computationally intensive activity that puts the power of other peoples’ computers to work on behalf of the criminal. If you’re not vigilant, your computers could be left without adequate processing and memory resources to run your business.
Computer Hijacking – This type of attack relies on infecting computers with malware that encrypts the disk drive, rendering it useless until a ransom is paid by a specific deadline. Allow that deadline to pass without paying up and you risk losing everything forever. This “ransomware” is spreading fast because it is potentially very lucrative and because the risk of getting caught is virtually non-existent.
Spyware – Covertly obtains information by transmitting data from a hard drive. Without knowing it, your employees could be passing sensitive company information to the attacker. This information can be sold on the dark web and used by unscrupulous competitors, identity thieves and invoice fraudsters.
DataLink has security solutions that can protect you from the bad guys – plus the expertise to identify and remediate attacks already inflicting damage.
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