The world’s largest hotel operator, Marriott International, suffered a massive security breach last month that exposed the reservation details of up to 500 million customers. The information stolen included guest names, addresses, credit card numbers, phone numbers, and passport numbers.
As a result of the data breach, Marriott faces class action lawsuits, regulatory fines and government investigations from jurisdictions worldwide. When all is said and done, the company could face damages that run into the billions of dollars.
This incident – just one in an ongoing string of high-profile incidents – serves as yet another reminder of the escalating financial penalties and other damages companies can look forward to when they do not take security seriously enough.
Fortunately, DataLink can help…
DataLink drills down to your organization’s compliance requirements and security controls, providing thorough review, assessment, and security testing against a typical IT infrastructure framework. Our security experts…
- Break down compliance laws into implementation requirements; map them to your IP data networking, operations, and security operations environment
- Incorporate compliance requirements into a qualitative assessment tracking tool / spreadsheet
- Conduct in-depth discovery, including fact finding, on-site inspections, reviews of your current Layer 2/3 IP data networking implementation
- Provide a high-level, qualitative compliance gap analysis and network security posture assessment mapped to your compliance requirements and security baseline
- Deliver gap remediation recommendations aligned to CAPEX / OPEX costs and prioritized according to the assessment findings and your compliance requirements
Are you exposed to potentially crippling cyber-attacks? Learn more about how our Network Security Posture Assessment and other security services can keep your business safe.
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