Everything Facebook and Google Know About You

Facebook continues to deal with the fallout from its own data security failures that have put the personal information of its users into the hands of third parties – some of whom have exploited that information for unethical purposes.

For users of Facebook and other social media who are concerned about such breaches of trust, it might be insightful to learn exactly what kind of personal information is tracked and harvested every day by these behemoths.

To get a sense of what they know about you, do a Google search on the phrase “what Facebook and Google know about you.” We’re aware of the irony in searching Google to get the information!

What you find may surprise you, and even cause you to change your browsing and search habits and how you interact with social media, especially since much of this collected information may never go away – even after you “delete” it.

Protecting proprietary information is essential for your business too. DataLink can help.

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