Lessons Learned from Baltimore Hack Attack

Baltimore’s 911 and 311 dispatch systems were hacked recently, shutting down automated call handling for 36 hours. Hackers running scans found an open internet port that was inadvertently left unprotected and used it to install ransomware.

Although there were data backups, the most recent one occurred six days prior to the attack. All operating systems and the latest patches had to be reinstalled. When all was said and done, complete restoral of the automated systems cost the city about $20,000.

DataLink recommends that all municipalities (and businesses) take stock of their networks to understand their exposure, assess the risks, and patch vulnerable areas. They should also begin implementation of a layered approach to security that includes…

  • Stronger authentication techniques that go beyond usernames and passwords
  • Monitoring networks and systems continuously for signs of breaches
  • Better user training and periodic refresher training to thwart phishing attacks that trick users into clicking malware links
  • Stronger cyber security policies to promote best practices and propagate a culture of diligence
  • More frequent data backups, with critical data also stored offline

DataLink’s security team can help you bolster security defenses and prevent or minimize damage from future attacks.

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