Are Your IT Users Suffering from “Security Fatigue”?

A recent study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that a majority of average computer users are experiencing “security fatigue” ̶  a weariness or reluctance to deal with security issues.

Typical examples of security fatigue include being tired of remembering usernames, passwords and PIN numbers; navigating multiple security measures; and dealing with account lockouts due to incorrectly entered passwords.

Not too long ago, users had only one password to keep up with at work. Now they may have to keep track of dozens.  The study found that the expansion of security safeguards has taken a toll on people, leading to a feeling of hopelessness.

The NIST study also found that users believe safeguarding data is someone else’s responsibility. They question how their efforts could effectively protect their data when large organizations frequently fall victim to cyber attacks.

NIST offers three ways to ease security fatigue and help users maintain secure online habits and behavior…

  1. Limit the number of security decisions users need to make
  2. Make it simple for users to choose the right security action
  3. Design for consistent decision making whenever possible 

DataLink can help you identify the extent of this malady so you can better manage the situation.  Our Security Risk Assessment includes a thorough review of the effectiveness of organizational policies and operational procedures. 

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