How Secure is Your Meeting Room?

Corporate meeting rooms are commonly used for discussions that range from the mundane to the highly sensitive.  Remote offices can be brought into these discussions with audio and video systems and applications that run over IP networks. Yet most meeting participants may be unaware that their conversations can be monitored by hackers, even when the AV equipment is not in use.

This means sales projections, potential mergers and acquisitions, product development plans, executive staff changes, advertising campaigns, litigation strategies, regulatory compliance, and other critical information could be falling into the wrong hands.

Hackers may be working for competitors, governments, and criminals looking for inside information that can be leveraged for financial gain, market share, or political advantage – or simply to embarrass the company. Whatever the motive, information leakage from the meeting room is becoming a top security concern.

Businesses spend billions of dollars each year beefing up security on their computer systems, employee laptops, and mobile phones. Rarely do they give as much thought to the ease with which hackers can penetrate the meeting room where the most sensitive topics are openly discussed.

Many conferencing systems in use today were designed with visual and audio clarity in mind – not security.  Ease-of-use features often drove the purchase decision. Encrypted links gave IT administrators a false sense of security, so they set up these systems outside the firewall.

In an age when hackers are becoming more devious and profit-minded, it is increasingly difficult to keep sensitive information private for long. Businesses must of take control of the situation by extending security awareness and best practices to the meeting room, and to every device that may be brought into the room.

DataLink has security solutions to suit any business need, including protecting your meeting rooms from potential intrusions. Contact us today: 410.729.0440 or