Tighten Security with Two-Factor Authentication

Almost every business is now connected to the Internet, which exposes them to virtually continuous attack. Consequently, users need to be concerned about the strength of their passwords and change them often to effectively protect company assets.

But with so many different systems to log in to during the course of the workday, passwords are becoming increasingly difficult for users to keep track of.  This is when they sacrifice security for convenience, which opens the door to the bad guys.

Enter two-factor authentication (2FA)… It allows convenience and actually tightens security.

The first factor is the traditional username/password combination. The second factor is something else users have, such as an email address or SMS capability on their smart phone.

When logging in to a system with their username/password, access is suspended while an email or SMS is sent out to validate the login request. When the user validates the request by tapping a link or filling in a one-time security code, the user gets access to the system.  The link or code expires if not used within a preset timeframe.

Depending on an organization’s specific security needs, a token, card or biometric measure may be used instead of email or SMS. The use of a second factor for authentication allows users more flexibility in choosing passwords without stifling productivity – or compromising system security.

DataLink can help you sort through the available choices for two-factor authentication and implement the right solution for your business.  Contact us today: 410.729.0440 or sales@DataLinkTech.com