VDI Overcomes Scalability and Expansion Challenges

Market conditions are constantly changing – new players, mergers, reorganizations, and boosting growth quickly to capture new revenue streams before the competition.

If your organization is going through a structural change or growth spurt, the deployment of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can ease the pain. In this scenario, desktops – including operating systems and applications – are hosted in a virtual machine running on a cloud server.

Using VDI allows IT to create new virtual desktops in minutes and deliver them to any location through a remote network connection. Employees are provided with a simple web portal for logging into all their key applications, files and tools.

VDI also permits proactive and automated resource provisioning and de-provisioning based on pre-set thresholds. For example, alerts can be set to create new VDI resources when there is a spike in usage.

Adjusting to market demands becomes much easier with VDI, since IT administrators have greater capabilities for provisioning and data center management. Instead of separate, fragmented components, critical resources are all under unified control.

The speed at which your virtualized resources are accessible to a distributed workforce improves IT and business alignment as your company goes through transformative change.

DataLink can assist with VDI planning and implementation to ensure your organization can respond to the marketplace – no matter what your scalability or expansion challenge. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or sales@DataLinkTech.com.