Protect Business Assets from “Nation-State Actors”

With their vast stores of expensive research, businesses are prime targets for foreign hackers looking for valuable information. These are not run-of-the-mill hackers who want to steal credit card information – these hackers are government-sponsored and directed to look for state-of-the-art research.

Put simply, it’s much cheaper to steal this kind of information than to create it from scratch through the arduous process of research and development. And once the information is stolen, it can be used to catapult a foreign company to the forefront of technological innovation, capturing market share and profits that it would not have achieved otherwise.

While not a novel idea, a favorite ploy of hackers to gain access to corporate networks is to send targeted emails to named individuals within a company. The emails will contain malicious links or attachments that – once clicked or opened – can be used to establish a toe-hold inside the network from which to gain deeper access to research, engineering and manufacturing departments, for example.

Protecting businesses from such attacks has become more of a challenge in recent years because many companies allow employees to bring in their own devices. With people working at home, at remote locations and on the go, tracking down the source of malicious software is made more difficult.

So what is the solution? Businesses should be looking to outside help to shore up and strengthen their computer networks and for assistance in prioritizing their most sensitive information. DataLink makes watching and protecting your IT assets easy… Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or