The Threat is Real… Steps to Prevent Phone Hacking

Phone hacking or “phreaking” costs businesses billions of dollars annually. Even worse – many carriers expect you to pay the bill!

Decades ago, hackers were able to access the telephone network using a series of tones input via a “blue box” to fool the system into allowing them to make free long distance calls.

Often these hackers did it just to prove it could be done and for bragging rights among fellow enthusiasts.

Now hackers routinely access business phone systems through voicemail ports to make huge numbers of free calls. The good news is that there are measures you can take to ensure your phone system stays well protected…

  • When installing new equipment, change the access credentials from the default settings.
  • Do NOT use easy passwords such as 1234.
  • Routinely review itemized telephone invoices for any anomalies.
  • Ask your service provider about their fraud monitoring policy.
  • If you have more than one administrator accessing the telephone system, make sure they use unique access credentials.
  • Whenever staff members leave the organization, immediately disable their access credentials.
  • Store all access credentials securely.

DataLink recognizes that your phone system is essential to your daily operations. Let’s talk about best-practice security measures you can take for Voice and Data systems. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or