Experts & Non-Experts Differ on IT Security Practices

In a paper presented by Google during July’s USENIX conference, two surveys were compared – one with 231 security experts and another with 294 web users who are not security experts. Google researchers asked both groups what they do to stay safe online. Among their findings:

  • Software updates – 35% of experts and only 2% of non-experts said that installing software updates was one of their top security practices.
  • Antivirus solutions – 42% of non-experts vs. only 7% of experts said running antivirus software was one of the top three things they do to stay safe online. Experts said this gives users a false sense of security since it’s not a bulletproof solution.
  • Passwords – Using strong and unique passwords are strategies used by both groups, but more experts than non-experts emphasized having unique passwords, 25% vs. 15%.
  • Password Managers – 24% of non-experts reported using password managers for at least some of their accounts, compared to 73% of experts.
  • Two-Factor Authentication – More experts than non-experts use two-factor authentication, 89% vs. 62%.

According to Google researchers, these findings highlight fundamental misunderstandings about basic online security practices. Yet, some promising advice emerges from the study:

  1. Install software updates promptly
  2. Use a password manager
  3. Use two-factor authentication for online accounts

When today’s IT security challenges are giving you headaches, DataLink has solutions that will make the pain go away. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or