Is Your Network Exposed to Emerging Threats?

The recent news of a massive data breach at the Office of Personnel Management ─ putting the personal information of 4+ million current and former federal employees at risk ─ elicited a wave of outrage in Washington, DC.

This is the latest hacking incident against government agencies, resulting in millions of Americans having their personal information stolen. Such incidents should serve as a reminder for businesses to take action and conduct periodic security audits.

Failure to do so could bring your business to a screeching halt…

  • Unauthorized access to e-commerce, banking, and inventory systems can result in direct financial loss.
  • Denial of service attacks can prevent your servers from processing legitimate traffic.
  • Stolen information by past or present employees can cause your business to lose ground to the competition.
  • Defacement of web pages can damage your reputation.
  • Not taking government-mandated protective measures can result in legal action.

As your organization grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to properly vet all your employees and contractors, which increases the possibility of an inside attack.

Malware insertion and attacks may be inadvertent, as in the case of infected USB drives and “walk-in” laptops that access your network.

Today’s businesses are highly dependent on technology, and every industry has unique threats. Here’s just some of the measures DataLink’s security experts will manage so you won’t get tripped up by the bad guys…

  • In-depth network security audits, penetration testing, and server hardening
  • Security measures built into all IT processes
  • Antivirus for email, servers and personal computers
  • Intrusion detection systems for networks
  • Data encryption for servers and laptops

Is the potential for loss or damage keeping you up at night? DataLink has solutions that will help protect your organization. Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or